Over a hundred delegates are expected to converge for the special event on Nov. 10, 2023 which will tackle on the issue on war. This event is primarily planned for the purpose of creating general awareness on the horrors of war.

One lecturer will focus on the issue as to whether wars have blessings or allowed by God or is cursed by God.

The second speaker will focus on the history of World War 1 and World War 2 and the possibility of a world war 3.

The third invited speaker will discuss about the heavenly warning about wars thru the different messages from Our Heavenly Mother like the messages at Fatima and Akita.

While the fourth speaker will present the scenarios if war will broke out from any part of the globe particularly in Asia and the Middle East and what to prepare as survival measures.

The whole day event will begin with Holy Rosary followed by the Holy Mass and the talks.

The event is organized by Dr. Rene Josef Bullecer who is both the vice president of the Catholic Physicians Guild or CPGP of the Philippines and the National Council of the Laity of the Philippines. The CPGP is an active member of the FIAMC under the Asian Federation of Catholic Medical Associations.